Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Math Autobiography

Please reflect on your own learning of mathematics in school. This is your Math Autobiography.

Rationale: Many people have difficulty remembering their mathematics education in primary/elementary grades. In order to begin to study the teaching of mathematics to children it is important to revisit your own education in mathematics. it is necessary to reflect on your assumptions, emotions, and nostalgia surrounding your experiences and to critically examine them. Consider the following:

• What did mathematics in your classroom look like (kindergarten-grade 6)? Be descriptive.
• What is your best and/or worst memory surrounding mathematics in primary and elementary? How has this affected your views about mathematics now as an adult?
• Were you "good" or "not good" at math? How did you know this?
• What was the role of the teacher in your math classes? How do you think they felt about mathematics?
• What did assessment look like?
• Tell briefly about math in high school.
• What math courses did you take in university?
• Did you take any math electives?
• Do/did you engage with mathematics in your life in major ways?
• How do you feel about mathematics now?

We will be sharing our math autobiographies on September 15th. 

Please submit this assignment at the end of the class (September 15th). I will be looking for a thoughtful, well-written, clear and critically reflective account of your mathematics history. (It would be a good idea to refer to the 4.8.3 MUN University Regulations on Good Writing, located in our course outline). 

This written (word processed) narrative should be no more than 3 pages.  Please do not use a cover sheet or clip art. Just make sure your name is at the top of your first page and the pages are stapled together. Remember, I have 80 of these to read. Please do not email your assignment to me.